Occupation: Author Birth: April 21, 1897 Death: May 12, 1963
Wherever we find Jesus is the perfect place to worship..
If man had his way, the plan of redemption would be an endless and bloody conflict. In reality, salvation was bought not by Jesus fist, but by His na….
The cross where Jesus died became also the cross where His apostle died. The loss, the rejection, the shame, belong both to Christ and to all who in ….
Jesus is not one of many ways to approach God, nor is He the best of several ways; He is the only way..
To men and women everywhere Jesus says, "Come unto me, and I will give you rest." The rest He offers is the rest of meekness, the blessed relief whic….
Any objection to the carryings on of our present gold-calf Christianity is met with the triumphant reply, ‘But we are winning them!’ Winning them to ….
We have full confidence in Jesus Christ. Our confidence rises as the character of God becomes greater and more trustworthy to our spiritual comprehen….
Those who seek the deeper Christian life and those who want the riches that are in Christ Jesus the Lord seek no place, no wealth, no things, only Ch….
Jesus Christ our Lord surrendered in order that He might win; He destroyed His enemies by dying for them and conquered death by allowing death to con….
When I am praying the most eloquently, I am getting the least accomplished in my prayer life. But when I stop getting eloquent and give God less theo….
Compare yourself only with Jesus..
Jesus Christ never thinks about what we have been! He always thinks about what we are going to be..
If I am to wholly follow the Lord Jesus Christ, I must forsake everything that is contrary to Him..
Artificiality is one curse that will drop away the moment we kneel at Jesus' feet and surrender ourselves to His meekness. Then we will not care what….
Time is a resource that is non-renewable and non-transferable. You cannot store it, slow it up, hold it up, divide it up or give it up. You can’t hoa….
Everything is wrong until Jesus sets it right..
I like Easter. But let's remember that Christ's resurrection is not truer at Easter than at any other time of the year..
The idea that the Man Christ Jesus has absolute and final authority over the whole church and over all of its members in every detail of their lives ….
Jesus our Lord is Prophet, Priest, and King. The concept is not new, yet many preachers never preach it, and many congregations never hear it..
Nowhere in the Word of God is there any text or passage or line that can be twisted or tortured into teaching that the organic living church of Jesus….
You know, we'll hardly get our feet out of time [and] into eternity that we'll bow our heads in shame and humiliation. We'll gaze on eternity and say….