Occupation: International Lawyer Birth: October 15, 1946
People in our so-called Rust Belt have lost out, and politics and society have not been responsive either in providing the kind of additional support….
We must recognize that this massive economic bloc that's emerging in North America cannot be accomplished unilaterally. It must be accomplished in pa….
The image and the costs of a Berlin-like wall or a Great Wall of China is something that the American people have not accepted to date..
We can't defend the country by looking at the borderline as the first line of defense rather than as the last line of defense. We have to secure the ….
The nationalism and the protectionism that was built into the Mexican Revolution in 1910 and that characterized the Mexican attitude to the United St….
The idea was to restore the rule of law, to bring order to a chaotic situation. The results became more and more apparent. Crime rates went down in t….
Indeed, many of the illegal crossers who have entered the country in the last two years after being detained have actually been either unaccompanied ….
Walls and barriers alone are insufficient to insure security..
In today's digital online world, those who don't share information will be isolated and left behind..
Every air traveler entering Mexico is vetted against US databases. The air passenger screening system Mexico has in place involves these checks again….
The Mexican people are increasingly middle class, and Mexico has substantially become a middle-class society. This is true despite the significant po….
Mexico has become a robust democracy with a robust press and an active legislature. It has gone from being a sending country for migrants to a transi….
The cry of "Make America Great Again" reflects accurately that, after the fall of the Soviet Union, the sole superpower status of the United States i….
Not only are the numbers of migrants entering the United States at the lowest levels in a generation, but they are now largely Central American. Four….
I think there's no question that the barriers, the fences and in certain urban areas, the walls, have had an important effect in terms of increasing ….
America should be working more with the Mexicans to prevent the flow of guns going south into Mexico that have fueled so much of the violence there, ….