Birth: 1861 Death: 1945
The spot where God's triumph is achieved, God's victory over sin, over lawlessness, is the cross of Calvary- the cross on which the Son of God died. ….
The highest place was given to Him, who died on the cross, far above all principality and power, and might, and dominion, and every name that is name….
Let the Word be preached, the truth taught, and error will be uncovered and souls delivered..
If sound doctrine is given up, the real Gospel of redemption by the blood of the Son of God is denied, worldliness follows..
The greatest menace in this country is not the bootlegger, but the college professor who rejects the Bible and undermines the faith of the young..
The fact that the Lord Jesus Christ is in Glory occupied with us should lead us into a holy life which glorifies Him. That loving eye is never withdr….
Christ did not come to civilize. He came to save. Civilization is not the solution; it does not destroy the works of the devil. All civilization aims….
What is it to 'walk in the Spirit'? It is not self-occupation, nor even occupation with the Spirit. Walking according to the Spirit is occupation wit….
Following Him is walking in the light and not in darkness. Man on account of sin is in moral and spiritual darkness. Believing on Christ and followin….