Occupation: Musical Artist Birth: May 21, 1949
The Creed of the Assassin Brotherhood teaches us that nothing is forbidden to us. Once, I thought that meant we were free to do as we would. To pursu….
I still have your pocket watch, my dear father. Like me, it is broken, but stubborn, and still keeps going..
Die Welt der Kunst & Fantasie ist die wahre, the rest is a nightmare..
The best data we have [concerning the Big Bang] are exactly what I would have predicted, had I nothing to go on but the five books of Moses, the Psal….
What really matters when facing a challenge? What matters is learning. You want to test yourself, throw yourself into something outside your comfort ….
You see, for me [art]'s not one of life's ornaments, rococo relaxation to be greeted affably after a day of hard work; I'm inverted on this : for me ….
A decent human being is ashamed at being somebody's boss!.
Artists who believe they control everything control what they know. Artists who allow outside forces to intervene are like canoes going down rapids. ….