Occupation: Burmese Politician Birth: June 19, 1945
The peace of our world is indivisible. As long as negative forces are getting the better of positive forces anywhere, we are all at risk..
As we strive to teach others we must have the humility to acknowledge that we too still have much to learn..
I've always said that the more coordinated the efforts of the international community are, the better it will be for democracy in Burma..
There's a certain age when your height stops growing and you cannot change that. This sort of body growth cannot be fixed. But there are many things ….
Government leaders are amazing. So often it seems they are the last to know what the people want..
I don't believe in professional dissidents. I think it's just a phase, like adolescence..
Weak logic, inconsistencies and alienation from the people are common features of authoritarianism. The relentless attempts of totalitarian regimes t….
In Burma, under the present Constitution, the Army can always take over all parts of government if they think this is necessary. so until the Army co….
My attitude to peace is rather based on the Burmese definition of peace - it really means removing all the negative factors that destroy peace in thi….
One should mature over 20 years..
I'm not the only one working for democracy in Burma - there are so many people who have worked for it because they believe that this is the only way ….
As the twentieth century draws to a close it has become obvious that material yardsticks alone cannot serve as an adequate measure of human well-bein….
I don't like to be called a symbol. And I don't like to be called an icon. I will just say that I have to work very, very hard. So I'd rather be know….
I'm rather inclined to liking people..
Saints, it has been said, are the sinners who go on trying. So free men and women are the oppressed who go on trying and who in the process make them….
Among the basic freedoms to which men aspire that their lives might be full and uncramped, freedom from fear stands out as both a means and an end. A….
Since we live in this world, we have to do our best for this world..
It is part of the unceasing human endeavor to prove that the spirit of man can transcend the flaws of his own nature..
The greatest gift for an individual or a nation... was abhaya, fearlessness, not merely bodily courage but absence of fear from the mind..
I do not like to encourage personalized politics, so we would not like it to be thought that just because certain political personalities were attack….
I haven't heard any music on the BBC World Service in a long time. Maybe I'm listening at the wrong times. But not one single piece of music..