Birth: March 28, 1923
The body is a boat that carries the soul in the ocean of the world. If it is not strong, or it has a hole, then it cannot cross the ocean, so the fir….
Life is not a burden, but we make it one when we refuse to accept things as they are..
As soon as a person starts thinking, 'I want to be a better person,' that is the start of Yoga..
Love everyone, including yourself. This is real sadhana..
By running away from the world no one can get peace. Anywhere you go the problems will go with you, because the problems are inside you and not outsi….
Cultivate a sympathetic heart, humility in dealings, and selflessness in action. If these are practiced with earnestness and sincerity, then you will….
Husband and wife are like the two equal parts of a soybean. If the two parts are put under the earth separately, they will not grow. The soybean wil….
Children copy their parents, friends, and teachers. They will develop the habits of the people around them. So if you want your child to be honest, p….
If we are pure at heart, we would not wish one person well and not another. We should see there is no difference between one person or another. Then ….
No one can please everyone. Your mental peace is more important. If you are in peace, then others around you will feel peace. So your best effort sho….
Work honestly, meditate everyday, meet people without fear and play..
Tapas is not a penance, it's a mental training to develop will power.
The world is not a burden; we make it a burden by our desires. When the desires are removed, the world is as light as a feather on an elephant's back..
If a pickpocket meets a Holy Man, he will see only His pockets..
When body, breath, and mind work together in harmony to achieve a spiritual goal, that is yoga..
Desire is the creator; desire is the destroyer..
We are always learning from each others. Only when we merge inside God would we stop learning. We will understand more as we teach others, so we rely….
Who realizes what? That is realization..
If you work on yoga, yoga will work on you..
You can't teach a hunter it's wrong to kill..