Occupation: Film Cinematographer Birth: 1941
What interested me in film was the image-making aspect of it. So, I went to school in cinematography. I was really convinced that image was what I wa….
The experimental film scene was very much misogynistic as well. I don't know if you have read what little attention was given to the films of Joyce W….
When the cinematography school told me I would have no chance to get a job, I said, "It's irrelevant." My mom was a feminist in the '20s. She taught ….
We had been affected by the fact that the film world was a man's world in Europe as much as here, in America actually..
I felt it was really important to come here to see what was happening in New York. So, I came to see film and accidentally I stumbled upon theater, s….
I met Michael Snow and Stan Brakhage the second day after I arrived, you know. I had never seen or heard of Brakhage. For me, it was a revolution, be….
1968 in Paris renewed my options. There was suddenly a desire of inventing new things, and I while I was working as an editor, the assistant editor t….
It makes no sense to bad mouth people, but I think Jean-Luc Godard is astonishing as a survivalist, somebody who can do a film that is as extraordina….
I'm really interested in experimental works, so the people that I admired the most was Dziga Vertov, Sergey Eisenstein, people from the '20s. Also, I….
In the '60s when I started to see everything I could see, you could see pretty much everything which was still available from the '30s, '40s, '50s, '….