Occupation: Author Birth: August 2, 1939 Death: April 24, 2017
I don't divide the world into the weak and the strong, or the successes and failures...I divide the world into the learners and non-learners..
The question to ask is not whether you are a success or a failure, but whether you are a learner or a nonlearner..
I divide the word into learners and nonlearners. There are people who learn, who are open to what happens around them, who listen, who hear the less….
Injuries too well remembered cannot heal..
I divide the world into learners and non-learners..
Consumer sales depend on the habits and behaviors of consumers, and those who manipulate consumer markets cannot but address behavior and attitude. T….
Jefferson thought schools would produce free men: we prove him right by putting dropouts in jail..
McWorld is a product of popular culture driven by expansionist commerce. Its template is American, its form style. Its goods are as much images as ma….
Having created the conditions that make markets possible, democracy must do all the things that markets undo or cannot do..
The real lesson of 9/11 that I think we have still to learn is that this is a world of interdependence, in which all of the challenges of environment….
9/11 was a signal that we were living in a new world - a world of interdependence, a world in which people could attack the United States not from th….
Independence used to be the ticket for liberty. But today, security and freedom, whether it's in the Arab Spring, whether it's in Iraq or whether it'….
Where once the student was taught that the unexamined life was not worth living, he is now taught that the profitably lived life is not worth examini….
When it comes to acid rain or oil spills or depleted fisheries or tainted groundwater or fluorocarbon propellants or radiation leaks or sexually tran….
Civility is a work of the imagination, for it is through the imagination that we render others sufficiently like ourselves for them to become subject….
By the laws of the land, people who come looking for jobs in America are illegal. But by the laws of economics, they are following the logic and laws….