Occupation: Former Prime Minister Of Australia Birth: December 9, 1929
When George Bush Senior [George HW Bush] was getting his alliance together to go into Iraq - to kick the Iraqis out of Kuwait - he rang me up. I was ….
It was Indira Gandhi who very much lined up with the Russians. And she was, you know, within the Commonwealth, basically one out on that. The first m….
The concept there was that the small number of developed countries within the Commonwealth should provide assistance. This was not just financial but….
The things which are most important don’t always scream the loudest..
I went along with it, and wanted to appoint a significant figure in Malcolm Fraser. I didn't have high hopes that they'd be able to do anything, but ….
While society cannot provide employment for its members, the production/work/income nexus has to be abandoned as a justification for our present pars….
Unless and until something concrete is done about addressing the Israeli-Palestinian issue you won't get a real start on the war against terrorism..
I had a good personal relationship with Lee Kuan Yew and I used him, in the sense, that he... He made a statement in 1980, and he said in that statem….
It was a remarkable relationship. Margaret [Thatcher] and I had a love/hate relationship. She was always defending the South African regime and we ha….
Peoples have come to experience that political structures and divisions of power are not immutable. Nor will they perceive the distribution of wealth….
I was used on a number of occasions by the United States and China as a conduit. For instance, I was up there talking with the Chinese leadership and….
I think it is just stupid economics for a government to approach economic management from a strand of thinking regarding unions as enemies..
One of the features of the Commonwealth Heads of Government Meetings was [that] she [ Elizabeth II] would have a meeting with each of them. You'd hav….
Brian Mulroney, myself, [and] Rajiv Gandhi; I think that was the real core [of the Commonwealth ]. That was the engine room, I reckon..
We were great mates [with Rajiv Gandhi]: very, very, very close friends. In fact, on my visit to India as Prime Minister, we were going to his home f….
I believe [ Rajiv Gandhi] had a real sense that he would be assassinated..
I think there are a number of reasons, not least of which is the personality of the Queen [ Elizabeth II]. It's very easy to underrate her significan….
[ Rajiv Gandhi] was such an infinitely more attractive leader than his mother..
I rang my friend Jim Wolfensohn, who was then running a private commercial bank in New York. I said, "Come up to Vancouver", and he did. I put my pro….
It was the South African Government that has introduced politics into sport by decreeing politically that no non-white person will represent their co….
I told [ David Lange] he was crazy, because you can't have an alliance relationship if you refuse access to their ships. And the Americans wanted to ….