Birth: July 12, 1978
We have to remember that the experience of gangsta rap as such in its foundation is an anti-systemic experience primarily. And it is an anti-systemic….
If I stop today at a protest and I read a speech, it is a speech that remains in that moment, and whoever captures it does, and whoever doesn't, does….
A lot of the exercise of embracing identity as a political affirmation is not just simply parked in the question of skin color or culture, but more i….
A white leftist Mexican activist isn't the same in the media as the son of a farmer in Guerrero, they aren't worth the same. In the same imaginary of….
Every day of my life I have been in situations, not just in Mexico, in the US too, in which I identified the form of operation as racism. There are s….
The Latin American Left, the criollos, direct descendents of Spaniards, they don't want to accept that they are the whites of Latin America. They don….
I can't marry myself to one idea or one form of doing politics or one form of understanding politics. I believe that we have to play the game of stra….
It is not like the white Republican, the conservative, who clears it up for you and says, "I don't like you", to your face and then you know immediat….
I am conscious of how my body signifies in every space. In every place of the world our body has a different significance..
Power, as it is, has a whole apparatus operating that goes about cutting down, closing doors, so that protests, exercises, platforms, and organizatio….