Occupation: Journalist Birth: August 27, 1949
I feel positive when I feel vulnerable, because it's another reminder that it's not all about me and about my ego..
I now realize that a broken back, failed surgery, and Stage IV cancer are three of the greatest things that ever happened to me. Three of the most po….
When I work with private clients now, one of the first places that I try to take them to is cultivating a sense of gratitude for their circumstances.….
Emotional pain rarely comes up for me now. When it does, for sure, I feel it. But then, fortunately, through my life experience and my practices, I'm….
Definitely an intelligence in the light of the heart. In yoga, we refer to this as the heart center - right behind the breastbone, and visualize it a….
Grateful that it brought me to a point of really seeing myself and really seeing where I was imbalanced, and really seeing it was a message from the ….
I remind myself that I don't have the ability to completely manipulate reality to be exactly what I want it to be. So now that reality is antithetica….
My first epiphany that this might work came on my first day, when I went into biofeedback. They hooked me up to computers through electrodes, put me ….
I feel vulnerable every day to the grace of God as expressed in every living thing. I feel vulnerable to the astonishing beauty of being alive and to….
This very deep, soothing voice came on, saying: "You now have permission to be strong and healthy and calm and relaxed. There's no place else to go. ….
I had a direct experience of the efficacy of this form of mind-body medicine. This comes from somebody who had been sort of an alpha male, highly cyn….
No matter what you're facing in your life, what obstacles you might have, and what you feel your limitations might be, there's something inside you t….
Each day, I would feel new wisdom and new intuition and I would follow that. Most everything I was doing was coming from that voice in my heart, whic….
I remind myself that I don't have the ability to completely manipulate reality to be exactly what I want it to be..
I feel vulnerable to the astonishing beauty of being alive and to Mother Nature..
There's a much deeper knowing and deeper intelligence in this place. This is where I began the journey of listening to that inner wisdom. We've all h….
You now have permission to be strong and healthy and calm and relaxed. There's no place else to go. There's nothing else to do..
How can I look at it and say, there it is - it's real. This is what is happening. It might even be a catalyst for more personal growth for me. It mig….
I'm inspired by how miraculous some of the simplest and most natural aspects of life can be the greatest sources of healing and transformation..
I feel vulnerable every day to the grace of God as expressed in every living thing..
I don't think I can put my finger exactly on when remission occurred, because from that moment on, I left Western medicine and never looked back. I p….