Occupation: Columnist Birth: 1963
That's a mistake I think that a lot of Western observers make is to assume that Korean nationalism is hundreds if not thousands of years old. When in….
If South Korea is going to survive, and keep the peace on the peninsula, its citizens need to start conveying support for their state..
People tend to overlook the fact that North Korea's economy collapsed at about the same time as South Koreans lost faith in their own state. The late….
People who cannot distinguish between good and bad language, or who regard the distinction as unimportant, are unlikely to think carefully about anyt….
Talking is always a good idea. There's no harm in keeping lines of communication open..
Life cannot be classified in terms of a simple neurological ladder, with human beings at the top; it is more accurate to talk of different forms of i….
The idolatry of food cuts across class lines. This can be seen in the public's toleration of a level of cruelty in meat production that it would tole….
I think the West needs to get away from the habit of regarding the regime's nuclear tests and ballistic launches as isolated provocations timed to ge….