Occupation: Entrepreneur Birth: January 5, 1944
Many successful people get up before 6am in the morning. They have rituals. They exercise, stretch, organize their day, and walk through that series ….
The more you do for others without expectation of return, the more you'll get back from the most unexpected sources..
Think before you act and then act decisively. Fortune favors the brave..
Make a decision to be successful right now. Most people never decide to be wealthy and that is why they retire poor..
Leaders are made, not born. You learn to become a leader by doing what other excellent leaders have done before you. You become proficient in your jo….
Make a total commitment to your company, your job, and your career. Uncommitted people have no future..
Deal honestly and objectively with yourself; intellectual honesty and personal courage are the hallmarks of great character..
Commit yourself to lifelong learning. The most valuable asset you'll ever have is your mind and what you put into it..
Obstacles come to instruct, not obstruct..
Always give without remembering and always receive without forgetting..
When you regularly take continuous action toward your most important goals, you activate the Momentum Principle of success. This principle says that ….
A clear vision, backed by definite plans, gives you a tremendous feeling of confidence and personal power..
If you think education is expensive, you should try ignorance.
Your beliefs about yourself and your world create your expectations. Your expectations determine your attitude. Your attitude determines your behavio….
A person will not buy from you until he is convinced that you are a friend and are acting in his best interest. You must make this clear..
Leaders set high standards. Refuse to tolerate mediocrity or poor performance..
Most people engage in activities that are tension-relieving rather than goal-achieving..
People don't trust conglomerates; they trust individuals. Network marketing brings trust and the quality of the relationship to the center of the bus….
The best words for resolving a disagreement are, "I could be wrong; I often am." It's true..
Be a lifelong student. The more you learn, the more you earn and the more self-confidence you will have..
Dress for success. Image is very important. People judge you by the way you look on the outside..