Occupation: Naval Historian Birth: July 30, 1909 Death: March 9, 1993
A committee grows organically, flourishes and blossoms, sunlit on top and shady beneath, until it dies, scattering the seeds from which other committ….
Parkinson's Law is a purely scientific discovery, inapplicable except in theory to the politics of the day. It is not the business of the botanist to….
Perfection of planning is a symptom of decay. During a period of exciting discovery or progress, there is no time to plan the perfect headquarters..
A committee is organic rather than mechanical in its nature: it is not a structure but a plant. It takes root and grows, it flowers, wilts, and dies,….
The nice thing about standards is, there are so many to choose from. Work expands to fill the time available for its completion..
No king or minister could have instructed Newton to discover the law of gravity, for they did not know and could not know that there was such a law t….
Make the people sovereign and the poor will use the machinery of government to dispossess the rich..
When any organizational entity expands beyond 21 members, the real power will be in some smaller body..
The Law of Triviality... briefly stated, it means that the time spent on any item of the agenda will be in inverse proportion to the sum involved..
Deliberative bodies become decreasingly effective after they pass five to eight members..
The onset of one religion can be resisted only by another..
Administrators make work for each other so that they can multiply the number of their subordinates and enhance their prestige..
Expenditure rises to meet income..
Delay is the deadliest form of denial..
People of great ability do not emerge, as a rule, from the happiest background. So far as my own observation goes, I would conclude that ability, alt….
Where life is colorful and varied, religion can be austere or unimportant. Where life is appallingly monotonous, religion must be emotional, dramatic….