Occupation: Teacher Birth: April 2, 1947
The prostitute is not, as feminists claim, the victim of men, but rather their conqueror, an outlaw, who controls the sexual channels between nature ….
Academic Marxists, with their elitist sense of superiority to popular taste, are the biggest snobs in America..
Feminism has exceeded its proper mission of seeking political equality for women and has ended by rejecting contingency, that is, human limitation by….
All great stars are competitive. That's a sign of a true artist - if you don't have the fire of competition deep down inside, you're never going to a….
Profanation and violation are part of the perversity of sex, which never will conform to liberal theories of benevolence. Every model of morally or p….
Gay men may seek sex without emotion; lesbians often end up in emotion without sex..
Sex at the age of 90 is like playing billiards with a rope.
Bisexuality is our best hope of escape from the animosities and false polarities of the current sex wars..
I view the prostitute as one of the few women who is totally in control of her fate, totally in control of the realm of sex. The lesbian feminists tr….
Straight men who visit prostitutes are valiantly striving to keep sex free from emotion, duty, family--in other words, from society, religion, and pr….
Leaving sex to the feminists is like letting your dog vacation at the taxidermist..
Popular culture is the new Babylon, into which so much art and intellect now flow. It is our imperial sex theater, supreme temple of the western eye.….
I believe that everybody has the right to view his or her own body as a palette. However, I think intellectuals should at least try to be role models..
I am waiting impatiently for the day when beleaguered, like-minded academics can order James Wolcott's collected essays for their classes..
I want a revamped feminism. Putting the vamp back means the lady must be a tramp. My generation of the Sixties rebels wanted to smash the bourgeois c….
The idea that emotion can be separated from sex is a Christian illusion, one of the most ingenious but finally unworkable strategies in Christianity'….
Anyone who gets his or her political news primarily from the New York Times (which made the ethically challenged carpetbagger Hillary a senator) is a….
It's time for a recovery and reassessment of North American thinkers. Marshall McLuhan, Leslie Fiedler and Norman O. Brown are the linked triad I wou….
In the Seventies, women runners, developing amenorrhea and calcium-related shin splints, were the first to realize that nature is hovering over us, r….
The artist makes art not to save mankind but to save himself. Every benevolent comment by an artist is a fog to cover his tracks, the bloody trail of….
When it defines man as the enemy, feminism is alienating women from their own bodies..