Birth: September 9, 1585 Death: December 4, 1642
Reason must be the universal rule and guide; all things must be done according to reason without allowing oneself to be swayed by emotion..
We may employ artifice to deceive a rival, anything against our enemies..
Friendship is the medicine for all misfortune; but ingratitude dries up the fountain of all goodness..
First, all means to conciliate; failing that, all means to crush..
I do not sleep to let others sleep in the shade of my waking..
I have never had any [enemies] other than those of the state..
Not the least of the qualities that go into the making of a great ruler is the ability of letting others serve him..
Wise judges are we of each other!.
A virtuous and well-disposed person, like a good metal, the more he is fired, the more he is fined; the more he is opposed, the more he is approved: ….
I have the consolation of leaving your kingdom in the highest degree of glory and of reputation..
War is one of the scourges with which it has pleased God to afflict men..