Occupation: Author Birth: February 17, 1944
Teaching is a very habit-bound endeavor. We're unsettled by the unfamiliar. We're creatures of habit too..
The high stakes test culture runs almost totally counter to what we know about how people learn. It causes us to engage in professional malpractice o….
We need teacher educators who are hungry to learn about and implement contemporary approaches to teaching and learning in their own classrooms and wh….
In differentiated classrooms, teachers begin where students are, not the front of a curriculum guide..
When challenge and skills are in balance the activity is its own reward.
We need teacher educators who regularly spend a great deal of time in classrooms so they have a deep understanding of where they students will teach..
It's important to know how to lead and manage a classroom with flexibility. Students of all ages are quite capable of learning these routines and con….
I think [testing] has had a profoundly problematic impact on student learning. It must seem to students that their worth as individuals is equivalent….
A teacher in a differentiated classroom does not classify herself as someone who ‘already differentiates instruction.’ Rather that teacher is fully a….
Differentiated Instruction is a teaching philosophy based on the premise that teachers should adapt instruction to student differences. Rather than m….
Differentiation is classroom practice that looks eyeball to eyeball with the reality that kids differ, and the most effective teachers do whatever it….
I have little interest in a surgeon who says, "I learned that when I was in medical school. Why should I revisit it?" or who says, "I've done that op….
Interest refers to student’s affinity, curiosity, or passion for a particular topic or skill..
In the field of education, educators know that they leave a lasting impact on their students for better or for worse. Trust is established or diminis….
We need to develop a robust set of tools - strategies and routines - that help us address student variance. It's easy to come to rely on two or three….
[Students] often have a "We can figure this out - don't just tell us" attitude. In that way, they can be less patient with "traditional" approaches t….
As a teacher, it is your job to make explicit whatever you though was implicit.
As educators we need to understand that there is no finish line in our work..
We can always gain more depth and breadth in our work [as educators]. There are always new discoveries to be made..
The best educators I have met never stop asking questions. Some of them have taught for forty years and continue to be energized by new possibilities..
We need to understand where are students are at any point during a unit - in other words, what each student actually knows, understands, and can do a….