Occupation: Author Birth: December 2, 1952
Healing is a different type of pain. It’s the pain of becoming aware of the power of one’s strength and weakness, of one’s capacity to love or do dam….
We all share a type of physical body that becomes ill or heals for the same reasons. We also share emotional and psychological crises common to the h….
I'm working on forgiving myself for some not-so-hot choices I've made in my life. I neglected two people I loved dearly. They are both dead now and I….
You can eat beef on a weekly basis and become a genius intuitive if your energy is in present time.You can consume only organic food while running th….
We are actually more afraid of change than we are of death.
Finding the right healing path requires all or nothing. Once you place conditions on healing, all you can achieve is conditional healing..
If you don't appreciate what you have in life right now, whatever it is, you will never realize your purpose. Without appreciation, you will never be….
The ability to know that your perceptions are accurate has to happen without others' validation. Intuition is not the result of diet, rituals, or win….
Our goal while on this earth is to transcend our illusions and discover the innate power of our spirit. We are responsible for what we create, and w….
The spiritual test inherent in all our lives is the challenge to discover what motivates us to make the choices we do, and whether we have faith in o….
Your identity, self-esteem, and awareness of your ego lay the groundwork for your life. How you conduct yourself with others, and whether you have th….
We are not carelessly designed creatures. Everything about us has purpose, logic and intelligence built into it, including how and why we become ill.….
[You should] see everything about your life as a lesson. Ask, "Am I empowering myself?" Even for a tiny thing, like if you're in the grocery store an….
Commitment to an idea that has the power to transform you personally in any way is a vision worth nurturing. The bottom line is,you need to remain c….
Choice is your greatest power. It is an even greater power than love, because you must first choose to be a loving person..
Your spirit is the part of you that seeks meaning and purpose. It's the part drawn to hope, that will not give in to despair..