Occupation: Author Birth: December 2, 1952
You have resources yet to be unleashed. Make bold, courageous choices. Live as though you have the power to change the world - because you do..
We are not meant to stay wounded. We are supposed to move through our tragedies and challenges and to help each other move through the many painful e….
Every single choice we make is either going to enhance the spirit or drain it. Every day, we're either giving ourselves power or taking it away..
You change the rules or you are going under..
Self-love means caring for ourselves enough to forgive people in our past so that the wounds can no longer damage us - for our wounds do not hurt the….
When you do not seek or need approval, you are at your most powerful..
One of the greatest struggles of the healing process is to forgive both yourself and others and to stop expending valuable energy on the past hurts..
People around the world are confusing the therapeutic value of self-expression with permission to manipulate others with their wounds..
We evolve at the rate of the tribe we are plugged into..
People define their life by what they want versus what they have. People get fixated on something and they have to have it, even though that voice in….
Forgiveness, quite frankly, is the most selfish thing you can do. Because it is the greatest thing you can do for yourself..
You are in the depths of despair because you locked in on something or someone that didn't belong to you. I've met many people who have lost everythi….
Act on your inner guidance, and give up your need for 'proof' that your inner guidance is authentic. The more you ask for proof, the less likely you ….
A breakthrough occurs when you recognize, you are more energy than matter.
...our life crises tell us that we need to break free of beliefs that no longer serve our personal development. These points at which we must choos….
Your biography becomes your biology. This biography includes the totality of your choices, the things you feed your body - you thoughts, your actions….
Spiritual connection does not mean romance.
I don't want to ever, ever give that kind of pain to one living mortal. And I will not give that thought power in my life. That's my practice..
The moment you come to trust chaos, you see God clearly. Chaos is divine order, versus human order. Change is divine order, versus human order. When ….
If you betray yourself, you are no different from the people who hurt you. What's the difference between those people who hurt you and what you are d….
Just let go. Let go of how you thought your life should be, and embrace the life that is trying to work its way into your consciousness..