Occupation: Pseudonym
I just know that any time I undertake a case, I'm apt to run into some kind of a trap..
Chuckling to herself, Nancy said aloud, "Romance and detective work won't mix tonight!.
Luther, bring the gatekeeper quickly!" Bell ordered. "Just how did you get in, Miss Drew?" "I came in at the entrance," Nancy replied. "The larkspur ….
Nancy, an attractive titian blond, grinned up at her friend..
Nancy, you're a whiz, as I've often told you," her friend declared..
Nancy, every place you go, it seems as if mysteries just pile up one after another..
Bell seated himself behind the desk, motioning for Nancy to stand opposite him. There was tense silence for a moment. Then Bell reached for a desk te….
Bess stepped back and looked at Nancy admiringly. 'Your hunches are so often right it startles me..
I don't promise to forget the mystery, but I know I'll have a marvelous time..
We could certainly use a detective. And I've got to hand it to you, Nancy - you sure can keep your head..
Ned said "Nancy Drew is the best girl detective in the whole world!" "Don't you believe him," Nancy said quickly. "I have solved some mysteries, I'll….
Read read read Thats all I can say.
I'll wire the International Federation of American Homing Pigeon Fanciers and give them the number stamped on the bird's leg ring..
Not many girls would have used their wits the way you did," the officer observed..
Do act mysterious. It always keeps them coming back for more..
She always has close calls when she solves a mystery!.