Birth: September 6, 1800 Death: May 12, 1878
... pure and intelligent women can be deceived and misled by the baser sort, their very innocence and experience making them credulous and the helple….
... so large a portion of those who hold much capital, instead of using their various advantages for the greatest good of those around them, employ t….
In civil and political affairs, American women take no interest or concern, except so far as they sympathize with their family and personal friends; ….
... any men who would give up the law-making power to women in order to remedy existing evils, would surely be those most ready to enact the needful ….
... all education must be unsound which does not propose for itself some object; and the highest of all objects must be that of living a life in acco….
How many young hearts have revealed the fact that what they had been trained to imagine, the highest earthly felicity, was but the beginning of care,….
Eating highly seasoned food is unhealthful, because it stimulates too much, provokes the appetite too much, and often is indigestible..
The delicate and infirm go for sympathy, not to the well and buoyant, but to those who have suffered like themselves..
Unusual precocity in children, is usually the result of an unhealthy state of the brain; and, in such cases, medical men would now direct, that the w….
The people of this nation are eminently a trafficking people; and the present standard of honesty, as to trade and debts, is very low, and every year….
As if reasoning were any kind of writing or talking which tends to convince people that some doctrine or measure is true and right..
... the school should be an appendage of the family state, and modeled on its primary principle, which is, to train the ignorant and weak by self-sac….
The ability to secure an independent livelihood and honorable employ suited to her education and capacities is the only true foundation of the social….
The woman movement is one which is uniting by co-operating influences, all the antagonisms that are warring on the family state. Spiritualism, free l….
When the precepts and example of Jesus Christ fully interpermeate society, to labor with the hands will be regarded not only as a duty but a privileg….
We now come to the grand law of the system in which we are placed, as it has been developed by the experience of our race, and that, in one word, is ….
As liberty and intelligence have increased the people have more and more revolted against the theological dogmas that contradict common sense and wou….
The principle of subordination is the great bond of union and harmony through the universe..
We are now going through a period of demolition. In morals, in social life, in politics, in medicine, and in religion there is a universal upturning ….
Good manners are the expressions of benevolence in personal intercourse, by which we endeavor to promote the comfort and enjoyment of others, and to ….
I regard the effort to introduce women into colleges for young men as very undesirable, and for many reasons. That the two sexes should be united, bo….