Birth: April 28, 1795 Death: June 16, 1869
In a colony constituted like that of New South Wales, the proportion of crime must of course be great..
Yet, upon the whole, the space I traversed is unlikely to become the haunt of civilized man, or will only become so in isolated spots, as a chain of ….
The year 1826 was remarkable for the commencement of one of those fearful droughts to which we have reason to believe the climate of New South Wales ….
Farming implements are as cheap in Sydney as in England..
The increasing importance of Sydney must in some measure be attributed to the flourishing condition of the colony itself, to the industry of its farm….
On the subject of emigration, it is not my intention to dwell at any length..
The main consideration with those who, possessing some capital, propose to emigrate as the means of improving their condition, is, the society likely….
Now it is evident that a little insight into the customs of every people is necessary to insure a kindly communication; this, joined with patience an….
It is to be feared that those who emigrate to New South Wales, generally anticipate too great facility in their future operations and certainty of su….
Mount Harris is of basaltic formation, but I could not observe any columnar regularity in it, although large blocks are exposed above the ground. The….
The staple of our Australian colonies, but more particularly of New South Wales, the climate and the soil of which are peculiarly suited to its produ….
We moved leisurely towards Mount Foster, on the 22nd, and arrived opposite to it a little before sunset..
Australia is properly speaking an island, but it is so much larger than every other island on the face of the globe, that it is classed as a continen….
One of the greatest objections which families have to New South Wales, is their apprehension of the moral effects that are likely to overwhelm them b….
If we strike a line to the N.W. from Sydney to Wellington Valley, we shall find that little change takes place in the geological features of the coun….