Birth: January 5, 1988
Many of those who scoff at the trustworthiness of the Bible do so completely overlooking the fact that thousands of archaeological discoveries have a….
Today there survives more than 25,0000 partial and complete, ancient handwritten manuscript copies of the New Testament. These hand written manuscrip….
When it comes to the whole debate today over evolution versus creation, Jesus affirmed the early chapters of Genesis were accurate when He said, "Hav….
Javascript is the duct tape of the Internet..
Lots of people today would never consider themselves guilty of idolatry as far as it is spelled out in the Ten Commandments, but by reducing God to s….
One of the things that sets the Bible apart from all other ancient religious writings is its scientific accuracy. Without exception, every other anci….
We prefer to find an explanation for why things are not perfect, and these rarely stand up to close scrutiny..
Those who brush off the Biblical accounts as "ancient fiction" and "legends" only reveal their ignorance of these archaeological discoveries..
There are dozens of writings outside of the Bible that verify the historical accuracy of many of the names of people, places, and events mentioned in….