Occupation: Psychiatrist Birth: 1932
We have to be careful that we don't keep multiplying disorders and diluting them. I think there is a difference. People talk about Asperger's as high….
With respect to why some acquired savants are musical, and some are good at the arts, and some are mathematical, why aren't they all the same; I thin….
There is such a thing as genius, and these are people who do not have a formal disability, DSM-IV-type. They may have liberal eccentricities or quirk….
Now I realize, and I acknowledge, that the right brain/left brain distinction is a tremendous oversimplification. We don't come neatly divided into r….
To some extent, we all have quirks or idiosyncrasies, and some geniuses, because of how bright they are and how focused they are, may have liberal ec….
We should probably start searching around a little earlier in our lives for what I call parallel activities, because most of us get entrenched in our….
Not only when one does meditation one is getting into a different realm, cognitively, but if you look at the imaging that's done on people when they'….
Parents don't particularly care whether it's early infantile autism or whatever label the clinicians have put on it. All they want is treatment, and ….
The term syndrome generally appears to be a constellation, or collection, of similar traits or behaviors within an individual. So, savants do have so….
Sometimes along the way, when people are actively working, they will start to do a search for their roots and maybe get really interested in ancestry….
The ways in which acquired savants show up are usually the same ways that congenital, or non-acquired, savant syndrome shows up. They tend to show up….
I think that if I could do any sort of research of autism that I wanted to do, at this point I would take a sample of classic, early infantile autism….
I think one of the problems with the definition of autism is we keep expanding it. It started as "early infantile autism", and then it became "autism….
Originally when we talked about language disorder it was a catastrophic language disorder. It's substantial, and from a treatment standpoint it's oka….
Not everyone who has a savant skill I would equate with a genius..
Savant syndrome is not a disorder in the same way as autism is a disorder or dementia is a disorder. Savant syndrome are some conditions that are sup….
The beginning of wisdom is to call things by their right names in research..
When I met my first savant in 1962, I was impressed by the abilities in these youngsters who had severe disabilities. They appeared to me to be islan….
When we come to research, if we want to find out the cause of autism, we're going to have to be much more specific, and that's why when it comes to r….
Savant syndrome and autism, I think, are not disorders of brain structure, but they're disorders of brain function..
When you first try to learn to ride a bike, you work very carefully at keeping your balance, and trying to keep one pedal in front of the other, and ….