Occupation: Rapper Birth: April 11, 1974
We have to be very clear about what we're doing to our music. We're giving away free albums. Now think about the psyche of the ordinary man, we don't….
As much as people try to pit black entertainers against one another, because of the underlying feeling that there can't be two of us, or, all of us c….
Of course the concept is to give people samples to get them hooked, I get that. But to continuously give away our music, that's the reason why you do….
One of the worst things that happened to black people in America historically is integration. People ask me why I say that and I tell them it's becau….
We're trying to teach artists that if you're smart enough to develop the material, then you're smart enough to market and promote the album too..
I'm proud of [Big] K.R.I.T., I'm proud that the person that came after me shares so many similar views [as mine]. From him being a producer, to him b….
I realize it's about the artists and about the fans. Those are the people who truly have the power. It's like politics, we give away our power to rep….
I will probably have a tendency to lean toward trying to resolve the issues that negatively impact black people, but the overall picture and the over….
Our situation is more psychological than people will admit. Black kids kill Black kids for the same reason cops do. They see no value..
I can admit there are some problems in hip hop but it is only a reflection of what's taking place in our society. Hip hop is sick because America is ….
I'm giving my fans the songs that they want to hear from me. Why do we love to hear ourselves being downgraded. Why do we love to hear the negative s….
[Big K.R.I.T] is a person who wants to make sure that the music is here for the kids when our time passes. He's a respectful and respected man. He ha….
If you want a man that respects the way you think then show more mind than ass..
We get better product when the focus is on the fans and the artists - all artists; musical artists; singers, the graphic designers, the painters, the….
My concern was first, for the black people of Mississippi, then I became concerned for black people nationwide, now my concern is for black people al….
Maybe Hell ain't a place meant for us to Burn, maybe Earth is Hell and just a place for us to Learn..
My passion comes from the things that have historically happened to black people in Mississippi. I can honestly say that most of the things that I've….
Faith allows me to feel that as long as I'm in line with God everything will be O.K. and that I'll make it through whatever..
We can't keep begging or expecting people to give us an opportunity to make a movie or to represent our culture in the right way. They're not from or….