Occupation: Artist Birth: July 4, 1971
Taking Batman globally, not everything is going to have the same flavor as Gotham City; some places are going to be a lot more bright and airy. I wou….
Being able to draw Batman was 100% of my decision to sign with DC..
I found being able to change things on the fly and react to the changes in the artwork makes it stronger. And I feel like I'm not doing the job twice..
Multiple characters make it more difficult to showcase each character..
The greatest thing a man can do for himself is to marry someone who is infinitely better than he is. And that's exactly what I did..
I do believe, especially with the character of Batman, that the tone and the mood of the book is 80% of the job right there. And the more control I h….
I still love Marvel to death and I had a great experience, and it was a really tough decision to leave Marvel. It was a very easy decision to come to….
I think I'm enjoying writing for me.I know what's in my head, so there's a little less margin for error, but I think I really would like to write for….
I've always been a Batman fan, and I've always wanted to draw and write the sort of stories that I've always loved about Batman..
I want to be careful to not stray too far away from what Batman is to me, but adding that element takes you in some directions that haven't been expl….
I naturally gravitate to darker characters. Gotham. Batman's suit. It's all dark; he's very interesting. It all comes from his builds and guts..
I'd really want to - just from my own experience as an artist working with a writer, I'd want to do everything I could to tailor it to the artist I w….
I'm just finding that when I'm sitting down and drawing the pages, it always takes me in a different direction than what I had in mind in my head..
I'm really very visually attracted to Wonder Woman. She just looks great on the page..