Occupation: Reporter
Near counts more than far, familiar more than different. Such is the indictment against the press, that it fails to treat similar tragedies with equa….
I'm not at an extreme, but I do think that Donald Trump is a self-created creature. But the media has feasted on his spectacle and he wouldn't live w….
You know, trust in the press, polls show - from Pew and other places - have gone down significantly over the years. Maybe the press doesn't have that….
People working for a news organization, even those with a point of view, are supposed to exercise independent judgment..
I think it's very important to be able to hear from our public leaders in ways that they can't entirely orchestrate, seeing them speak live and unscr….
The paid Trump surrogates help CNN keep his supporters engaged with their shows, but it also sends their own reporters busy chasing after many of the….
CNN stands to make a hundred million dollars more than it's expected lift for the election cycle, due to the phenomenon that is Donald Trump..
Each time that Donald Trump promises to come forward with something, when you actually get to the point of disclosure it seems as though there's a lo….
Trump's - has great negatives, enormous negatives, a lot of people say they simply won't vote for him. So if he's gotten media, maybe it hasn't done ….
After all, the reporters are the ones who get to ask the questions..
I think there's been an overestimation of how much the press can shape coverage and people's decisions..
The press is supposed to equip people to act as citizens and not just consumers of programming that happens to be news..