Birth: November 22, 1889 Death: March 11, 1969
The more mirror-minded you become, the more your home will reflect shining charm!.
I started this career because I loved doing houses. I'd done three of my own and I couldn't keep on moving my family all the time, so I decided to de….
If you are collector, let other people share your pride and joy. Don't sprinkle your collection out of sight in a meaningless jumble. Notice how grou….
You don't have to know anything about a subject as long as you use common sense and imagination, plus enthusiasm! I use all periods of design in my w….
A vase of flowers or greens will bring even a dull hotel room to life in the most delightful way. The small amount of trouble or expense involved is ….
Have you ever considered how much pure stuff and nonsense surrounds this subject of interior decoration? Probably not. Almost everyone believes that ….
Good liquor is not cheap. Cheap liquor is not good..
The finest thing about a hobby is that you can't do any pretending about it. You either like it or you don't..
It is just as disastrous to have the wrong accessories in your room, as it is to wear sport shoes with an evening dress..
Too often when we're buying or building a house we do not consider each room. We are carried away by one charming feature and are blind to details th….
Birds are so much wiser than we! A robin builds a nest for robins. A seagull builds a nest for seagulls. They don't copy each other - or build themse….
I believe in doing the thing you feel is right. If it looks right, it is right..
Eating is really one of your indoor sports. You play three times a day, and it's well worth while to make the game as pleasant as possible..
If it looks right, it is right..
I always put in one controversial item. It makes people talk..
Have you ever stopped to think what fun this business of living can be? If you haven't, and if you are one of those who insist upon believing that li….
You can never judge a paint hue by the liquid color in the paint pot. You must apply it to a wall, wait for the paint to dry, then decide..
Never look back, except for an occasional glance, look ahead and plan for the future. Success is not built on past laurels, but rather on a continuou….
No room can be called perfect unless it has real comfort..
There seems to be within all of us an innate yearning to be lifted momentarily out of our own lives into the realm of charm and make believe..
Too much of anything is the beginning of a mess..