Occupation: Generalissimo Birth: October 2, 1851 Death: March 20, 1929
A war not only arises, but derives its nature , from the political ideas, the moral sentiments, and the international relations obtaining at the mome….
The laurels of victory are at the point of the enemy bayonets. They must be plucked there; they must be carried by a hand-to-hand fight if one really….
In whatever position you find yourself, determine first your objective..
The unknown is the governing principle of war..
The military mind always imagines that the next war will be on the same lines as the last. That has never been the case and never will be. One of the….
Don't drown yourself in details. Look at the whole..
Aviation is fine as a sport. But as an instrument of war, it is worthless..
One is defeated only when one accepts defeat..
This is not a peace. It is an armistice for twenty years..
In tactics, action is the governing rule of war..
Regulations are all very well for drill, but in the hour of danger they are no more use. You have to learn to think..
It take 15,000 casualties to train a major general..
Victory is a thing of the will..
My center is giving way, my right is in retreat; situation excellent. I shall attack..
The truth is, no study is possible on the battle-field; one does there simply what one can in order to apply what one knows . Therefore, in order to ….
One does simply what one can in order to apply what one knows ..
To be disciplined does not mean being silent, abstaining, or doing only what one thinks one may undertake without risk; it is not the art of eluding ….
School is a building that has four walls-with tomorrow inside. Our deeds determine us, as much as we determine our deeds. There are many ways of goin….
The fundamental qualities for good execution of a plan is first; intelligence; then discernment and judgment, which enable one to recognize the best ….
Every manoeuvre must be the development of a scheme; it must aim at a goal..
A battle won is a battle which we will not acknowledge to be lost..