Occupation: Teacher Death: October 29, 1949
One of man's important mistakes, one which must be remembered, is his illusion in regard to his I. Man such as we know him, the 'man-machine,' the ma….
What you need to know is very little, but to know that little takes very very much..
If you help others, you will be helped, perhaps tomorrow, perhaps in one hundred years, but you will be helped. Nature must pay off the debt. It is a….
Man has no individual 'I'. But there are, instead, hundreds and thousands of separate small 'I's, very often entirely unknown to one another, never c….
If a man could understand all the horror of the lives of ordinary people who are turning around in a circle of insignificant interests and insignific….
The crowd neither wants nor seeks knowledge, and the leaders of the crowd, in their own interests, try to strengthen its fear and dislike of everythi….
Self-observation brings man to the realization of the necessity of self-change. And in observing himself a man notices that self-observation itself b….
Ancient art has a specific inner content. At one time, art possessed the same purpose that books do in our day, namely: to preserve and transmit know….
You can never awaken using the same system that put you to sleep in the first place..
If you meditate and the Devil comes, make the Devil meditate..
He who has gotten rid of the disease of "tomorrow" has a chance of achieving what he is here for..
Begin with the possible; begin with one step..
Two things in life are infinite; the stupidity of man and the mercy of God..
There do exist enquiring minds, which long for the truth of the heart, seek it, strive to solve the problems set by life, try to penetrate to the ess….
Real love is a cosmic force which goes through us. If we crystallize it, it becomes the greatest power in the world..
Knowledge by itself does not give understanding. Nor is understanding increased by an increase of knowledge alone. Understanding depends upon the rel….
Patience is the mother of will..
The evolution of man is the evolution of his consciousness, and 'consciousness' cannot evolve unconsciously. The evolution of man is the evolution of….
Conscious faith is freedom. Emotional faith is slavery. Mechanical faith is foolishness..
A considerable percentage of the people we meet on the street are people who are empty inside, that is, they are actually already dead. It is fortuna….
Try to understand what I am saying: everything is dependent on everything else, everything is connected, nothing is separate. Therefore everything is….