Occupation: Writer
Most of our suffering comes from resisting what is already here, particularly our feelings. All any feeling wants is to be welcomed, touched, allowed….
If you want to eat when you're not hungry, you're hungry for something else..
Weight loss does not make people happy. Or peaceful. Being thin does not address the emptiness that has no shape or weight or name. Even a wildly suc….
Awareness is learning to keep yourself company. And then learn to be more compassionate company, as if you were somebody you are fond of and wish to ….
If you pay attention to when you are hungry, what your body wants, what you are eating, when you've had enough, you end the obsession because obsessi….
What you pay attention to grows. Pay attention to your loveliness, your magnificent self. Begin now..
Meditation is a tool to shake yourself awake. A way to discover what you love. A practice to return yourself to your body when the mind medleys threa….
Awareness is learning to keep yourself company.
Most of us spend our lives protecting ourselves from losses that have already happened..
Being hungry is like being in love: if you don't know, you're probably not..
We eat the way we eat because we are afraid to feel what we feel..
Our work is not to change what you do, but to witness what you do with enough awareness, enough curiosity, enough tenderness that the lies and old de….
Come back to yourself. Return to the voice of your body. Trust that much..
For some reason, we are truly convinced that if we criticize ourselves, the criticism will lead to change. If we are harsh, we believe we will end up….
Treat yourself as if you already are enough. Walk as if you are enough. Eat as if you are enough. See, look, listen as if you are enough. Because it'….
You don't need a scale to tell you whether you're allowed to like yourself today. You are. You belong here. No matter what you weigh, you deserve joy….
No matter what we weigh, those of us who are compulsive eaters have anorexia of the soul. We refuse to take in what sustains us. We live lives of dep….
If you think your job is to fix what is broken, you keep finding more broken places to mend..
Diets are based on the unspoken fear that you are a madwoman, a food terrorist, a lunatic…The promise of a diet is not only that you will have a diff….
To discover what you really believe, pay attention to the way you act -- and to what you do when things don't go the way you think they should. Pay a….
Imagine treating yourself with the kindness that you show people you love..