Birth: 1950
I think he [Heidegger] sets the question up in a useful way and, despite appearances, he's not 'against' technology. He just wants us to have a quest….
One of the most violent attacks on the Church in the Soviet Union was under Kruschev when, during a period of economic and political liberalization, ….
Every stroke a tennis player plays is different, yet we perceive them as playing in a distinctive and unique way. It's what Heidegger called a certai….
I'm not sure that I 'am' a philosopher - but I do engage with questions that are generally recognized as philosophical questions, such as the charact….
At a theoretical level, I think a naturalist approach to religion is just asking questions I'm not interested in. They're perfectly legitimate in the….
Essentially I see the new atheism as largely part of the crisis of the left. Having failed to carry through its agenda in relation to political and e….
I'm not sure if Cupitt himself still uses this term, but it's useful in suggesting that, actually, there are more choices than the choice between nih….
Now, as at the beginning of the 19th century, there is a certain discovery of Eckhart and related figures. There are questions as to how far our Eckh….
But why should a religious person be interested in a work like Heidegger's that many regard as the epitome of nihilism? For a start, because Heidegge….
When I'm on the operating table, I'm happy for the surgeon to treat me as a machine, but the moment I return to consciousness I have other needs and ….
Of course, it's always difficult to disentangle fact from fiction in relation to, e.g., the singularity project. Many scientists I know are dismissiv….
In a sense these are questions that most people ask themselves to some extent. They become philosophical when asked with a persistence and rigour tha….
I'm not sure how far Derrida's later 'theological' interests are really rooted in post-structuralism or whether they don't rather reflect a kind of K….
Perhaps this is an area where every generation starts from scratch. Although the crisis of the First World War inaugurated an especially strong perio….
And perhaps this has to do with what I sense is a turning away from the idea of religion as being about conserving a certain heritage from the past t….
In brief, I regard love as a more decisive focus of meaning than death. In terms of Heidegger's argument, this is because I think he misdescribes the….
Religious life is about something real in human experience that is not constrained by what Wittgenstein called 'all that is the case'. In this sense ….
What it does remind us is that 'God' is not to be separated from the quest for the Kingdom of God and is not and cannot be the object of any detached….
However, in brief, I think the connecting of 'God' and 'Being' is one of these things for which there seems to be a natural impulse in human thinking….
Perhaps - and this goes for the Kyoto School too - one of these insights is that nothingness and unknowing don't have to be equated with a destructiv….
And one thing the void certainly can teach us is how to wait, how to become truly patient, and how to let go of superfluous intellectual baggage - al….