Occupation: Author Birth: 1951
The Guardian,[is] one of the most consistently anti-Catholic newspapers in the world..
The real challenge the rich young man faced was not just giving up his possessions, but giving up himself. The last command Jesus says ("Come, follow….
In the Church the transformative power of the Eucharist is experienced through the dignified celebration of Holy Mass, and people are empowered for m….
Democracy is always an unfinished experiment, testing the capacity of each generation to live freedom nobly..
More pro-active Vatican communications might be able to do something about all this, but when the Holy See is constantly in the mode of, "No, what th….
The world needs a pastor, whether it knows it or not..
Vital parishes built on the Bible and the sacraments, committed to evangelizing their neighborhoods, will continue to flourish. The poor will be serv….
Freedom that lacks moral truth becomes its own worst enemy..
In the Catholic view of things, abortion is a justice issue, not an issue of sexual morality... it is a civil rights issue, arguably the greatest civ….
[Pope] Francis communicates the pastoral embrace of the Church, the breadth and inclusiveness of Catholicism symbolized by the Bernini colonnade arou….
The pope [Francis] speaks with great passion about the shame we should all feel when, as he puts it, "a man does not have the dignity of earning brea….
Be the Church - that is, be an evangelical movement that tells the world of God's passionate love for humanity. That, not institutional maintenance, ….
A theological time bomb, set to go off with dramatic consequences..
[Jesus Christ to Pope Francis] is the Lord with whom he speaks for hours every day in prayer. The Risen One who reached out, touched his life, and ca….
But ripped out of context, ["Who am I to judge?" phrase] has become an all-purpose filter through which everything else - including the pope's multip….
Optimism and pessimism are mere matters of optics, of how you look at things, and that can change from day to day, or with a new prescription for you….
The Church offers the medicine of the divine mercy so that healed souls can grasp the truth that will liberate them in the fullest meaning of human f….
The most important appointment Pope Francis has made is the appointment of the Australian cardinal, George Pell, as the Vatican's financial overseer..
The "encounter" with the people on the peripheries is intended to draw them into the circle of common care and concern - that call to encounter is, t….
History is driven, over the long haul, by culture - by what men and women honor, cherish, and worship; by what societies deem to be true and good, an….
By the same token, the new and stringent Ultramontanism on the Catholic Left - in which even the mildest questions about how things are working in th….