Occupation: Author Birth: 1958 Death: 2007
In a city of illusion, where change is what the city does, it's no wonder Las Vegas is the court of last resort, the last place to start over, to rei….
The reinvention of American culture as purely the self catapulted Las Vegas to prominence. The city took sin and made it choice -- a sometimes ambigu….
Capitalism is a warrior culture, a hierarchical mode, and Las Vegas is its epitome..
Las Vegas is the therapeutic ethos of our time run amok, our socio-psychological promise to ourselves to be eternally young writ large on the landsca….
In Las Vegas, people seem to believe, the prosperity spawned by tourism and gaming can make them whole, financially and spiritually. Las Vegas now me….
The outsiders have become kings and queens of the castle. It is a whole lot easier to sit outside the tent and throw firecrackers inside; it is much,….
From its founding, [Nevada] has always struggled to belong. It has had a series of masters--the mining industry, the railroads, the federal governmen….
Las Vegas is still socially sanctioned deviance. Its brand is just more comfortable to more Americans than it used to be..
Las Vegas was and is a hard town that will make you pay for your inability to restrain your desires.... If you have a weakness, Las Vegas will punish….
No one thinks Las Vegas is real; it is illusion, but visitors willingly suspend disbelief and pretend..