Occupation: Author Birth: July 12, 1817 Death: May 6, 1862
Let us spend one day as deliberately as Nature, and not be thrown off the track by every nutshell and mosquito's wing that falls on the rails..
We go on dating from Cold Fridays and Great Snows; but a little colder Friday, or greater snow would put a period to man's existence on the globe..
But perhaps a man is not required to bury himself..
Certainly there is not the fight recorded in Concord history, at least, if in the history of America, that will bear a moment's comparison with this,….
Whoever can discern truth has received his commission from a higher source than the chiefest justice in the world who can discernonly law. He finds h….
You must get your living by loving. But as it is said of the merchants that ninety-seven in a hundred fail, so the life of men generally, tried by th….
The doctors are all agreed that I am suffering for want of society. Was never a case like it. First, I did not know that I was suffering at all. Seco….
If the fairest features of the landscape are to be named after men, let them be the noblest and worthiest men alone..
I learned to regard man as an inhabitant, or a part and parcel of nature, rather than a member of society..
The phenomena of the year take place every day in a pond on a small scale. Every morning, generally speaking, the shallow water isbeing warmed more r….
We have used up all our inherited freedom, like the young bird the albumen in the egg. It is not an era of repose. If we would save our lives, we mus….
But government in which the majority rule in all cases can not be based on justice, even as far as men understand it..
Most of the luxuries and many of the so-called comforts of life are not only not indispensable, but positive hindrances to the elevation of mankind..
Comparatively, tattooing is not the hideous custom which it is called. It is not barbarous merely because the printing is skin-deep and unalterable..
I never found the companion that was so companionable as solitude. [It allows you to] be the Mungo Park, the Lewis and Clark of your own streams and ….
Under the one word "house" are included the schoolhouse, the almshouse, the jail, the tavern, the dwellinghouse; and the meanest shed or cave in whic….
The whole of the day should not be daytime; there should be one hour, if not more, which the day did not bring forth..
If you indulge in long periods, you must be sure to have a snapper at the end..
Give me the old familiar world, post-office and all, with this ever new self, with this infinite expectation and faith, which does not know when it i….
Bankruptcy and repudiation are the springboards from which much of our civilization vaults and turns its somersets, but the savagestands on the unela….
We could not help contrasting the equanimity of Nature with the bustle and impatience of man. His words and actions presume alwaysa crisis near at ha….