Occupation: Industrialist Birth: July 30, 1863 Death: April 7, 1947
Every success is the mother of countless others..
The most important history is the history we make today..
A man's real education begins after he has left school. True education is gained through the discipline of life..
Without doubt, Thomas Edison is my greatest contemporary..
The Jews caused the war, the Jews caused the outbreak of thieving and robbery all over the country, the Jews caused the inefficiency of the navy.
He who believes he can and he who believes he cannot are both correct..
There is safety in small beginnings and there is unlimited capital in the experience gained by growing..
Whether we think we can or cannot, we are right..
There is only a "marginal difference" separating those who are truly successful and those who merely do well.Whether you believe you can do something….
Every business is a monarchy with, not a man, but an idea as king..
The cure for materialism is to have enough for everybody and to share. When people are sure of having what they need they cease to think about it..
No unemployment insurance can be compared to an alliance between a man and a plot of land..
Under pressure, the mouth speaks when the brain is disengaged, and, sometimes unwittingly, the gearshift is in reverse when it should be in neutral..
When I can't handle events, I let them handle themselves..
Progress is not made by pulling off a series of stunts. Each step has to be regulated. A man cannot expect to progress without thinking..
If two people agree, one of them is unnecessary..
An imitation may be quite successful in its own way, but imitation can never be Success. Success is a first-hand creation..
Most people think of success in terms of getting; success, however, begins in terms of giving..
Greed is merely a species of nearsightedness..
It is always possible to do a thing better the second time..
All Fords are exactly alike, but no two men are just alike. Every new life is a new thing under the sun; there has never been anything just like it b….