Occupation: Author Birth: October 6, 1895 Death: January 1, 1985
If you desire truly to live you will cease trying to find magic tricks and short-cuts to life and learn the simple laws of being, and order your life….
An intelligent person may be wrong sometimes, but a fool is never wrong. The medical profession is never wrong..
There is not a single argument nor a single fact that can be offered in favour of flesh eating that cannot be offered, with equal strength, in favour….
There are many things to resist, but disease is not one of them..
"Science" is pedantic, arrogant, esoteric and often insane..
There are but a few blood purifiers and these are all in the body. We know them as the liver, kidneys, lungs, colon, and a few glands..
I would not go so far as to say that vaccination has never saved a person from smallpox. It is a matter of record that thousands of the victims of th….
So long as the processes of healing were not understood and man thought that the power to heal resided in substances and things outside of him, he lo….