Occupation: Poet Birth: December 4, 1893 Death: June 12, 1968
Sentir mon Cœur is a privilege only granted to the exceptional man - the one who has the ability to find words that exactly (or, to himself, convinci….
Progress is measured by the degree of differentiation within a society..
Nobody seriously believes in the social philosophies of the immediate past..
In History, stagnant waters, whether they be the stagnant waters of custom or those of despotism, harbour no life; life is dependent on the ripples c….
Once we become conscious of a feeling and attempt to make a corresponding form, we are engaged in an activity which, far from being sincere, is prepa….
The sensitive artist knows that a bitter wind is blowing..
The work of art... is an instrument for tilling the human psyche, that it may continue to yield a harvest of vital beauty..
The principle of equity first came into evidence in Roman jurisprudence and was derived by analogy from the physical meaning of the word..
Art is an indecent exposure of the consciousness..
These are the sensations and feelings that are gradually blunted by education, staled by custom, rejected in favor of social conformity..
The classicist, and the naturalist who has much in common with him, refuse to see in the highest works of art anything but the exercise of judgement,….
The assumption is that the right kind of society is an organic being not merely analogous to an organic being, but actually a living structure with a….
In the evolution of mankind there has always been a certain degree of social coherence..
Love works miracles in stillness..
Art is pattern informed by sensibility..
Freud has shown one thing very clearly: that we only forget our infancy by burying it in the unconscious; and that the problems of this difficult per….
The sense of historical continuity, and a feeling for philosophical rectitude cannot, however, be compromised..
A man of personality can formulate ideals, but only a man of character can achieve them..
The characteristic political attitude of today is not one of positive belief, but of despair..
I am not going to claim that modern anarchism has any direct relation to Roman jurisprudence; but I do claim that it has its basis in the laws of nat….
The modern work of art, as I have said, is a symbol..