I do realise that talk of natural kinds dates back to Aristotle, but I'd better not say too much about ancient philosophers lest I be convicted of pr….
Epistemologists should be concerned with knowledge and justification and so on, not our concepts of them; philosophers of mind should be concerned wi….
Internalist approaches to epistemology, I believe, have a great deal of intuitive appeal. Internalists believe that the features in virtue of which a….
When I first began studying philosophy, a good deal of what went on in analytic epistemology was focused on addressing the Gettier problem. At first,….
It's not just that there is a cooperative spirit of investigation there, where we all recognise that we are engaged in a common project of inquiry. I….
I am quite wedded to the view that epistemologists should concern themselves with knowledge rather than our concept of knowledge. The analogy I like ….
The fact that these scientific theories have a fine track record of successful prediction and explanation speaks for itself. (Which is not to say tha….
I believe, that empirically informed approaches to the question have issued in more illuminating answers than the old armchair approaches. But I thin….
I think that when I first suggested the idea that knowledge should be viewed as a natural kind, many people thought this was just crazy..
It started becoming clear to me how one might have views about the nature of mind and of knowledge which are empirically informed. This way of thinki….
I do think that an understanding of contemporary work in the cognitive sciences has a profound effect on how one views the workings of the mind. It d….
Here, there is simply no substitute for the kind of work that experimental psychologists do, work which shows some mechanisms to be quite reliable, a….
17th century philosophers were not in a position to understand the mind as well as we can today, since the advent of experimental methods in psycholo….
The role of empirical work in informing our philosophical theories, as I see it, is not that it gives us a better view of our folk concepts, but that….
Work on causal theories of knowledge - early work by Armstrong, and Dretske, and Goldman - seemed far more satisfying. As I started to see the ways i….
The experimentalists think that we can only get at our concepts by way of empirical investigation, while the armchair philosophers think that we can ….
The idea that we should check on our unreflective belief acquisition sounds great, but we need to know whether the processes of reflection which we p….
What we need to do, however, is figure out what our best available theories of the mind suggest about epistemological issues, while we recognise that….
In my view, since the case can be made that knowledge too is a natural kind, the role of pretheoretical intuitions is similarly diminished in epistem….
For one thing, I think that there are questions which philosophers raise which, although science bears on them, are not typically the central focus o….
What I hankered for was an account of knowledge which would do far more than get our intuitions about cases right; I wanted a kind of account which w….