Occupation: Novelist Birth: May 20, 1799 Death: August 18, 1850
To get a traveling salesman drunk is the height of impossibility..
Towns find it as hard as houses of business to rise again from ruin..
A vocation is born to us all; happily most of us meet promptly our twin,--occupation..
Woman is a most charming creature, who changes her heart as easily as she does her gloves..
The virtues we acquire, which develop slowly within us, are the invisible links that bind each one of our existences to the others - existences which….
By resorting to self-resignation, the unfortunate consummate..
Few men are raised in our estimation by being too closely examined..
A woman in love has full intelligence of her power; the more virtuous she is, the more effective her coquetry..
Whoever does not visit Paris regularly will never really be elegant..
Sensuality is the death of the soul..
Nothing is irredeemably ugly but sin..
To have one's mother-in-law in the country when one lives in Paris, and vice versa, is one of those strokes of luck that one encounters only too rare….
A naked woman is less dangerous than one who spreads her skirt skillfully to cover and exhibit everything at once..
One day, about the middle of July 1838, one of the carriages, lately introduced to Paris cabstands, and known as Milords, was driving down the Rue de….
A man may and ought to pride himself more on his will than on his talent..
A mother who is really a mother is never free..
Equality may be the law, but no human power can install it..
The greatest joy a petty soul can taste is to dupe a great soul and catch it in a snare..
Love and work have the virtues of making a man pretty indifferent to anything else..
When chaste people need body or mind to resort to action or thought, they find steel in their muscles or knowledge in their intelligence. Theirs the ….
In France we can cauterize wounds but we do not yet know any remedy for the injuries inflicted by a bon mot..