Occupation: Poet Birth: December 8, 65 Bc Death: November 27, 8 Bc
With self-discipline most anything is possible. Theodore Roosevelt Rule your mind or it will rule you..
Blind self-love, vanity, lifting aloft her empty head, and indiscretion, prodigal of secrets more transparent than glass, follow close behind..
Come, let us take a lesson from our forefathers, and enjoy the Christmas holyday..
Wealth increaseth, but a nameless something is ever wanting to our insufficient fortune..
Kings play the fool, and the people suffer for it..
Poverty urges us to do and suffer anything that we may escape from it, and so leads us away from virtue..
I am not what I once was. [Lat., Non sum qualis eram.].
Busy idleness urges us on..
Busy idleness urges us on. [Lat., Strenua nos exercet inertia.].
Be smart, drink your wine..
The years as they pass plunder us of one thing after another..
It is said that the propriety even of old Cato often yielded to the exciting influence of the grape..
Live as brave men and face adversity with stout hearts..
The man who is just and resolute will not be moved from his settled purpose, either by the misdirected rage of his fellow citizens, or by the threats….
Govern your temper, which will rule you unless kept in subjection..
The dispute is still before the judge..
The words can not return..
Lawyers are men who hire out their words and anger..
In my integrity I'll wrap me up..
What do sad complaints avail if the offense is not cut down by punishment..
The body loaded by the excess of yesterday, depresses the mind also, and fixes to the ground this particle of divine breath. [Lat., Quin corpus onust….