Occupation: Poet Birth: December 8, 65 Bc Death: November 27, 8 Bc
He who preserves a man's life against his will does the same thing as if he slew him..
Whatever you teach, be brief; what is quickly said, the mind readily receives and faithfully retains, everything superfluous runs over as from a full….
Difficulties elicit talents that in more fortunate circumstances would lie dormant..
Usually the modest person passes for someone reserved, the silent for a sullen person.
Keep clear of courts: a homely life transcends The vaunted bliss of monarchs and their friends..
Excellence when concealed, differs but little from buried worthlessness. [Lat., Paullum sepultae distat inertiae Celata virtus.].
He who is always in a hurry to be wealthy and immersed in the study of augmenting his fortune has lost the arms of reason and deserted the post of vi….
High descent and meritorious deeds, unless united to wealth, are as useless as seaweed..
Let your mind, happily contented with the present, care not what the morrow will bring with it..
"Painters and poets," you say, "have always had an equal license in bold invention." We know; we claim the liberty for ourselves and in turn we give ….
Who then is free? The wise who can command his passions, who fears not want, nor death, nor chains, firmly resisting his appetites and despising the ….
What exile from his country is able to escape from himself?.
The consummate pleasure (in eating) is not in the costly flavour, but in yourself. Do you seek for sauce for sweating?.
One wanders to the left, another to the right. Both are equally in error, but, are seduced by different delusions..
Much is wanting to those who seek or covet much..
He is praised by some, blamed by others..
Money amassed either serves us or rules us..
Be ever on your guard what you say of anybody and to whom..
No one is content with his own lot..
The years as they pass plunder us of one thing after another..
Be modest in speech, but excel in action..