Occupation: Writer
Hollywood no longer offers entertainment. Instead, activism has replaced acting, and sermons have supplanted stories. Instead of a good yarn, you get….
Zimbabwe, once the breadbasket of Africa, is now its dust bowl..
Christianity in our country is a lot like what the Ducksters profess. No longer doctrinaire or demanding, the mishmash of pop-religion practiced in c….
By the standards of honest, if unorthodox, accounting, government workers don't pay taxes, but are paid out of taxes. In other words, they pay taxes ….
Liberals retain a totemic attachment to the Freudian idea that traumatic toilet training is destiny..
If the Bill of Rights was intended to place strict limits on federal power and protect individual and locality from the national government the 14th ….
The rights to life, liberty and property were not meant to be subject to the vagaries of majority rule..
Gays have become colossal bores. Once interesting and iconoclastic, all they seem to crave nowadays is the State's pension and seal of approval. They….
'You didn't build that' will be Obama's political epitaph: With these remarks, Obama has come out of the closet as a most odious collectivist, who be….
Demographics need not be destiny. The waning West became what it is not by out-breeding the undeveloped world. We were once great not because of huge….
Like or dislike her, the British Queen is harmless. Her role is purely ceremonial. Conversely, life and death are in the hands of the monarch who sit….
Ludwig von Mises referred to Ayn Rand as 'the most courageous man in America.' If that doesn't say it all about the economist's man-centric frame of ….
Dance, in general, has become more atavistic than artistic..
Islamic terrorism is the handiwork of people who've heeded, not hijacked, Islam. Or so says [Wafa] Sultan..
...the West has its share of liars and poseurs, the ablest of whom congregate in government..
Mistaking Palestinian military weakness for moral innocence seems to further amplify the inattention of journalists to the culture of lies..
Think of mass immigration into America as a global 'right of return.'.
The free flow of people across borders is not to be confused with the free flow of goods across borders. Free trade is a positive-sum game. Contrary ….
In a free society, the “vision thing” is left to private individuals; civil servants are kept on a tight leash, because free people understand that a….
For too long, the U.S. has been operating upon the premise that American men and matériel should be capable of reaching and controlling all corners o….
Big media are all about the angle, the spin. Look to the overarching theme that runs through each and every news story. Be hip to the meta-narrative ….