Occupation: Columnist Birth: November 1, 1920 Death: August 15, 2010
It wasn't the Supreme Court that expelled God from our public school classrooms. It was the textbook publishers..
Five common traits of good writers: (1) They have something to say. (2) They read widely and have done so since childhood. (3) They possess what Isaa….
Writers must rely more on the feel of a sentence than on the dictates of a rule book..
Style is important, but content comes first..
Baseball ought never be hurried. It is the only unhurried institution we have left, which is one reason, I think, we love it..
Use familiar words-words that your readers will understand, and not words they will have to look up. No advice is more elementary, and no advice is m….
Good similes depend upon close observation. They depend upon brevity and wit....They have to fit in context..
Louis Kelso's formula sounds like Lydia Pinkham's Vegetable Compound. The whole theory sounds crazy. But, then, one may recall, they said all that of….
Find out where the people want to go, then hustle yourself around in front of them..
Astrology is the sheerest hokum. This pseudoscience has been around since the day of the Chaldeans and Babylonians. It is as phony as numerology, phr….
The chief difference between good writing and better writing may be measured by the number of imperceptible hesitations the reader experiences as he ….
The ...experts of the FDA have declared Laetrile to be worthless...quackery and fraud...These experts are the professional descendants of experts...c….
If you would write emotionally, be first unemotional. If you would move your readers to tears, do not let them see you cry..