Occupation: Scientist Birth: July 26, 1919
The Earth's population will be culled from today's 6.6 billion to as few as 500 million, with most of the survivors living in the far latitudes - Can….
Florida will be gone altogether, the whole damned place, in not too long..
By the end of this century, climate change will reduce the human population to a few breeding pairs surviving near the Arctic..
Composing computer programs to solve scientific problems is like writing poetry. You must choose every word with care and link it with the other word….
It just so happens that the green religion is now taking over from the Christian religion. I don't think people have noticed that, but it's got all t….
Let's make hay while it lasts..
Just after World War II, this country led the world in science by every way you could measure it, yet the number of scientists was a tiny proportion ….
Esso has been the main one in America spreading the disinformation that there is no global warming problem..
An inefficient virus kills its host. A clever virus stays with it..
There is no clear distinction anywhere on the Earth's surface between living and nonliving matter. There is merely a hierarchy of intensity going fro….
If a power station were to be built down the road, I'd prefer a nuclear plant over an oil burner, and definitely over a coal burner. We simply have t….
If we gave up eating beef we would have roughly 20 to 30 times more land for food than we have now..
We need a more authoritative world...What's the alternative to democracy? There isn't one. But even the best democracies agree that when a major war ….
We live at a time when emotions and feelings count more than truth, and there is a vast ignorance of science.
You never know with politicians what they are really saying. And I don't say that in a negative way-they have an appalling job..
What I tend to do is to wake about five in the morning-this happens quite often-think about the invention, and then image it in my mind in 3D, as a k….
Civilization in its present form hasn't got long..
I'm not a pessimist, even though I do think awful things are going to happen..