Occupation: Journalist
We were the ultimate consumers of the thing, and we thought, "Every college kid is going to go berserk. High school kids - it will introduce them to ….
I was working as a staff writer at Rolling Stone. I had a friend who worked at MTV, and she called me and said, "They're looking for VJs for this new….
You can see when that happens with bands when they do TV appearances; they just shut down. They get really irritated..
I was 35. I was the oldest female VJ at Viacom ever. I left them, which at least preserved my dignity, because I'm sure they would eventually have ki….
I had this producer who became a friend, named Lou [Stellato]. Maybe it was a budget thing, but he never wanted to do any retakes. The more I would h….
[MTV] just wanted a regular person that knew a decent amount about music.I'm so used to doing solitary interviews. You have some control - it's quiet….
It hit me that being hip was a full-time job, and I was only a part-timer. I couldn't hide forever that I liked county fairs, particularly the goat b….
We had to do something at [a festival in Washington, D.C.]. I remember Chris Martin, by then we all knew him, there were certain people who were regu….
When I hear the Spice Girls, yeah, all that '90s stuff, like Limp Bizkit. Dandy Warhols! Whenever I hear them, it takes me right back, because they w….
The worst was I had little control in terms of smoothing out my questions and making myself look good the way I could in print. All the ums and uhs a….
When you disclose something really personal in hopes that the person will then disclose something personal, too? It's all there on camera, your techn….
Coldplay was unknown, and we played them over and over and over again, and they were really loyal to us. They went on M2 way after they had broken an….
I started getting fan notes from people saying, "Oh, keep up the mess-ups," and I'm thinking, "I'm not doing it deliberately. This is just who I am."….
We were really responsive. It was very personalized for the die-hards that did watch, and I thought that would be a big draw, too..
I got a unicorn horn on my head once. I said, "Can you really see that on camera?" My producer said, "You can see it from space." I would have to ang….
I wondered how I was going to do it and keep my job at Rolling Stone at the same time. They were very nice, and they let me disappear for two days a ….
If you were to share your workout playlist with the world, I guarantee there's stuff on there that wouldn't pass the cool test, and M2 helped in that….