Occupation: Film Producer Birth: February 20, 1969
One thing I am very strict about is that I don't like spending a lot of money on movies because the more money you spend I think the worse that they ….
I think the mistake people make with horror movies and what makes them successful is a lot of horror movies get made by people who don't really like ….
My easiest judgment for a script is 'do I want to keep reading it?'.
But one of the rules I don't like to break is we still do - 95% of our movies are low budget. We're offered bigger, larger budget movies to produce a….
The scares are the easier part of scary movies. The hard part of scary movies is what leads up to the scares..
I love being the underdog. It's one of the reason I like making horror movies, because a lot of people don't like them or are prejudiced against them….
I think good suspense and horror is really about creating situations that are relatable, and throwing a wrench in it and watching how people respond ….
Horror is great storytelling with scary elements on top of it, but if you don't have great storytelling, you can have all the scares in the world, bu….
When you raise the budget, you make creative compromises. The higher the budget goes, the more cuts in your movie happen. When people talk about how ….
Directors typically have three choices - you do a studio movie and get a paycheck up front, you do an independent movie, which is for your heart and ….
I love Hitchcock movies. I took a Hitchcock class in college, so I saw all his movies. I wrote papers on his movies..
I really am passionate about making low-budget movies. You can try new stuff and unusual stuff, and you can break the rules..
There are a lot of parallels between doing a sequel and doing low budget movies, which is they give creative parameters. As a creative person myself,….
We have creative freedom because of budgets. Ever since I have been doing low budget movies, we've really had creative freedom..
I think the location is almost as important as casting the leads of the movie. The location on The Purge was crucial to that movie working..
There's S-VOD, which is 3 1/2 months after the theatrical release. The windows are going to get closer and closer, and the sooner they collapse in my….
I think the most honest responses to the movies you get to watch are in houses and people's most private spaces, like the bedroom or in your own inti….
You can't be a creative person and not fall in love with everything. Every movie I've made there's a complicated, twisted love affair with..
But, it's much easier to do that than produce the movies from scratch. It excites the same thing in me, whether we build it from the ground up, or wh….
I think horror movies are still - this can be said of all movies - but being with a group of people scared together is more and more something unusua….
I love musicals. I love horror movies and I love art movies..