Occupation: Writer Birth: September 30, 1975
You don't need to watch out for me, Clay." But I did, Hannah. And I wanted to. I could have helped you. But when I tried, you pushed me away. I can a….
And after I dropped him off, I took the longest possible route home... I explored alleys and hidden roads I never knew existed. I discovered neighbor….
Actually, I love trying to figure out why certain books become hits while others, which may be just as good, have trouble finding an audience..
How many times had I let myself connect with someone only to have it thrown back in my face?.
A week went by and nothing. But eventually, as they always will, the rumors reached me. And everyone knows you can't disprove a rumor..
I’m going to be mentally ill in fifteen years, and that’s why my husband doesn’t want to be around me..
I've always loved brainstorming with other writers, and I consider having my work critiqued a part of that brainstorming..
I miss video games where the jump-kick was the trickiest combo to master..
Maybe you didn't know what people thought of you because they themselves didn't know what they thought of you. Maybe you didn't give us enough to go ….
People grow apart, and sometimes, there nothing anyone can do about it..
Fun drunks make a nice addition to any party. Not looking to fight. Not looking to score. Just looking to get drunk and laugh..
Whenever I'm out late she makes a sandwich for my school lunch. I always protest and tell her not to, saying I'll make my own when I get home. But sh….
Every reader is different. There's no book that's inappropriate for every person, but there are people who cannot handle everything..
and i walked for hours the mist growing thick and whole the thought of disappaering like that, so simply, made me so happy.
I waited a second. Should I? No... but I will..
Because our lies matched. It was a sign..
Hannah wasn't my first kiss, but the first kiss that mattered: the first kiss with someone who mattered. (pg 222)..
I swear, guys in groups are capable of the stupidest things." "Like war," Kellan says, heaping napkins and ketchup packets onto her tray. "And jumpin….
Betrayal. It's one of the worst feelings..
What you don't understand, you can make mean anything..
That’s when I said it. That’s when I whispered to her, “I’m so sorry.” Because inside, I felt so happy and sad at the same time. Sad that it took me ….