Occupation: Television Presenter Birth: February 3, 1971
When I first discovered it it was so weird because I was doing all these positions, they're called Asanas, and I was thinking 'But I used to do this ….
Absolutely, everyone and anyone can get involved in yoga. I've seen really small kids doing it in my yoga class, right up to elderly people doing it..
Yoga is for everyone. Personally I believe yoga would benefit anyone's life. It is such an amazing form of exercise and if you practice regularly it ….
You do see some people that can contort themselves all the way around, but they may have been practicing for years, they may be gymnasts or they may ….
Yoga is about working with what you've got on that day. Some days you may find certain positions easier to get into than others. It's not about compa….
In the west we think of yoga as an exercise programme, when actually where it's from in India it's a whole philosophy. The Asanas and the exercise pr….
The stressful part of that is that you're not a chef. People who have learnt to be chefs have spent years in kitchens just on the vegetable section a….
Yoga is not about having the perfect positions, it's not about who's the best and who's the most flexible. A lot of people are saying to me 'I can't ….
I would just say try it and see if you like it. See how it makes you feel and remember that it's not about being perfect, it's about just doing your ….
I think during the day, when I was doing the Masterchef experience, everything I'd learnt in yoga, the breathing techniques, etc, would really help a….
Yoga is something that once you start practicing it you learn a lot of breathing skills and I think that would really be incredibly useful on a day-t….
Once you get into fitness you do notice your diet and notice that certain foods don't quite agree with you. I don't think it was a conscious decision….
I was captain of the netball team, captain of the hockey team and I did my sprinting, but I would push myself. That's why yoga is really good for me ….
There's a lot of stress on young people. They've always got exams and have to reach this goal or reach that goal. Yoga might be really good for them ….
I don't have hardly any caffeine, I don't drink alcohol and I watch my red meat intake. My diet at the minute seems to be verging towards the vegetar….
When my life does get frantic and busy, there's always time to fit something in, even if it means getting up 15 minutes earlier. I get out of bed, do….