Birth: December 8, 1950
When we apologize we end our struggle with history..
When I accept an apology it means that the part in me that honors our relationship honors the part in you that honors our relationship..
Apology calls for a willingness to sacrifice on behalf of the wronged party and the inherent value of the relationship, not for what it brings to you….
Accepting the apology signals the acknowledgment of a need to move forward, but not necessarily together..
Apology is the most courageous gesture we can make to ourselves..
You can't talk your way out of a situation you acted you way into..
You don't have to see eye-to-eye to walk hand-in-hand. You just have to want to go in the same direction..
Apologies have more power than most of us realize to restore strained relationships, free us from vengeful impulses, and create possibilities for gro….
Apology is both transactional, in that it restores what has been broken to what it was before, and transformational, in that it creates opportunities….
Progress occurs one apology at a time..
An effective apology focuses more on compassion for the victim than redemption for the offender..
We rarely wrestle with apology and lose..
No apology is equal to the task set before it..
Apology is not for the faint of heart, but then, neither is life..
Apology may be scorned, but it retains its inherent value..
One of the most useful tasks of apology is to bring home to us how keenly, honestly, and painfully past generations pursued aims that now seem to us ….
Apology sends the clearest signal that we have the strength of character to reconcile ourselves with the truth..
Apology may start as a feeling, a desire to make matters right, but it requires a commitment to move that desire into practice, to actually take on t….
The purpose of apology is to extend ourselves in such a way that relationships become deeper, and life becomes richer and more human in the process..
We value apology in the abstract, but turn our backs on it in practice..
"I would like to apologize" may sound like an apology, but it is no more an actual apology than saying "I would like to lose weight" makes you sudden….